The “Outdoor Code” is Scouting’s implementation of care and consideration for the outdoors. The Outdoor Code is: ”As an American, I will do my best to Be clean in my outdoor manners. Be careful with fire. Be considerate in the outdoors. Be conservation minded”. This promise was made to ensure […]
Habitat Factors
3 posts
Water is needed by every living thing, from the smallest of bacteria to the largest of animals. Water maintains all life in an ecosystem. Water helps plants perform photosynthesis and transport nutrients and minerals from the soil. For a plant, It goes up through the leaves, and the water goes […]
The terrain and soil is crucial to the environment that grows upon it The composition of the soil affects the entire ecosystem. The soil in Bee Crossing is acidic and rich in humus (decomposed organic matter) which helps special plants like Skunk Cabbage and Jack-in-the-pulpit grow. The area is also […]